Greetings from Spain:
We continue with the process of requesting membership to the FEREDE (Federación de Entidades Religiosas
Evangélicas de España) y and to CEM (Consejo Evangélico de Madrid). These are two government recognized
Christian organizations which represent evangelical churches and organizations before the ministry of Justice
nationwide (FEREDE) and in Madrid (CEM). Becoming a member of these two organizations will allow us, among
other things, to directly process all the visa requirements for the coming of any new missionaries, and to issue
marriage licenses. It will also facilitate any public evangelistic outreach and community service activities we may do
as a church. Having this will be necessary when requesting the visa and permits for the coming of the Alvizo and
Choreño missionary families who will be joining us within the next couple of years. Lord willing, and if everything
goes well, we will have all of this ready by the end of this month of April 2011. Please help us in praying for this.
Gospel of John and book of Romans booklets:
During the months of February and March we have helped to distribute more than 200 boxes, containing 300
booklets each, of the Gospel of John and the book of Romans. We have done this among eight different sister
churches in Madrid, Alcalá, Guadalajara, Toledo, Rota, Chapinería, Valladolid and La Carlota. In order to do this,
we had to make four trips from Madrid to Gijón and Oviedo in Asturias, northern Spain. The booklets have been
provided by the Iglesia Bautista Bíblica in San Luis Potosí, México where brother Luis Ramos is the senior pastor.
This church is the sending church of a missionary family who is currently working in the city of Rota, in southern
Spain. This missionary has been the key contact in acquiring and distributing the booklets. In our church, we are
preparing around 10,000 of this booklets to distribute them in the 19 towns that comprise the Comarca Sierra Oeste.
We covet your prayers for this project which we are hoping to complete during the months of April and May.
EJC Youth Gathering:
Saturday, February 12th, we held our annual Youth Gathering in Chapinería. We had an attendance of 135
from six different churches. Our speaker this year was pastor Marcelo Gajardo, from the Iglesia Bautista Calvario
de Madrid. The Lord gave us a precious fruit of four souls that trusted our Lord JesusCrist as their Lord and Savior.
At this gatherings we have 3 specific objectives: evangelism, fellowship, and mutual challenging in the Word. The
format of this gatherings include social and sporting events along with Bible study, evangelistic outreach and
community Service as a way of testimony. Please pray for these activities. Other sister churches are now also
participating in hosting them throughout the year. The next one will from the 8th thru the 10th. of this month of
Regional Men´s Prayer meeting:
On Saturday, March 5th. We attended the first Regional Men´s Prayer meeting in Salamanca hosted by
pastor/missionary Kent Albright and the church there. There were 39 men from 7 different churches and 11 different
nationalities that came together to pray for the lost in Spain and for each one of our churches. The next of these
meetings will take place at our church in Chapinería on May 28th. Please pray that the Lord may use this initiative
to more effectively collaborate in reaching the lost, developing leaders and establishing new churches.
Salvation prayer needs:
Please pray for Antonio, Diana and their three kids: Rolando, Jonatán y María. Also, for Silvia, Valentín
Panadero, Luis García, Michel, Pedro and Josefa Lara, Inocencio, Patria Diez and Rosalva Castaño. Also, please
pray for the evangelistic outreach activities planned for the months of April, May and June. You will find enclosed
some pictures of some of the activities of this past month. For more pics, please go to Facebook (spainconnection)
at the Tribuna Internacional, a CBBM web portal and to our church website: http://ieb-sierra-
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