Sunday 1 February 2015

Operation World 1 - Preaching the Word

No matter if you have never known Christ for yourself, or if you have known him for years, never lose sight of the cross.

How important to you is the cross? A while ago I watched “How I met your mother” where Marshal recalls the perfect burger and drags his friends round New York until he finds it again. Is that how you feel about the gospel?

Sunday 25 January 2015

Operation Samaria 4 - The power of the gospel

Digging into Acts has been both a blessing and a challenge. The challenge is that this is a book of transition. Christ died and rose again, and at that point the new covenant came into force. The book of Acts takes us through the trials of the early church, moving from a subset of the Jewish nation to a world wide phenomena. Going from a small group of men following Christ to an organisation of thousands, millions across multiple cities. And also transitioning from the physical presence of Christ on Earth to the body of believers with Christ living in our hearts. The apostles struggled with this also. They did not have a big enough vision.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Operation Samaria 2 - Where you lead me

Are you listening to the leading of God?

There are three resources God uses on a regular basis to speak to us if we are listening.

  • The Word
  • The Spirit
  • A messenger

Philip is guided by all three.