Wednesday 13 July 2016


From our recent Bible studies on the Fruit of the Spirit:

Peace has many different uses today. Peace can mean absence of war or an inner state of mind. It has been used as a greeting or a description of a quiet place.

In the Old Testament, peace (shalom) meant more than just peace. It was an all-encompassing word that covered mental, physical, and emotional well-being as well as harmony between people and a blessing for the good of others. In the new Testament it says that Jesus is our peace, in faxct he came to bring peace between man and God.

1) Peace is used in some unfamiliar ways in these passages. How can you leave peace John 14:26-27?  How can peace rest on homes or return to people Matthew 10:12-14?
Jesus left his peace with us, peace with form, the Holy Spirit. In the old testament the Holy Spirit would come and go, now it is here to remain.

2) How can peace rule? Colossians 3:15-16 What do you think it means to “let peace rule in your heart”?
It is only when we allow the Holy Spirit to rule in our lives that we truly experience peace, for if we are at peace with God, we will be at peace with ourselves, and this peace is infectious.

Some more questions:
1) Do you let peace rule in your heart? What would that look like in your life, how would it change?

2) When you greet people, do you offer peace to those you meet? do you do so in words only, or is it as the Bible describes it?

Sunday 10 July 2016

Galatians Part 9 - Heir Apparent

We make much of being under law, or under grace, but the purpose of this is not our freedom to ignore the rules, but our position in Christ. Under the Law they were simply "heirs apparent". In Christ Jesus they have become "heirs actual"

Sunday 3 July 2016

Galatians Part 8 - The relevance of the Old Testament

Why bother with the Old Testament, other than as a historical document. What value does the Law (Old Testament) have for us today? Do we even need to study it, since we are not under the Law?