Sunday 29 May 2016

Galatians Part 3 - Truth Matters

Do you see the Bible as the Word of God, the standard for our authority, or is it just a book of nice sayings and stories?

The gospel which Paul preached—salvation by grace through faith in Christ to the glory of God—is it from heaven or from men?

Is it clear to those around you that your witness is of a God who changes lives, or is it empty Words? The truth matters

Sunday 15 May 2016

Paul Davies - News from Albania

Paul Davies from AEM brings News from Albania.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Galatians Part 1 - Grace

If you are following a set of rules, and struggling to match up to a perceived need to be perfect, it is time to let go and remember the way you first came to Christ. Messed up and needing a Saviour, he alone offered the GRACE that made it possible to life life as God intended.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Haggai 5 - Coming Messiah

The challenges so far have been, Consider your ways, remember the purposes of God, and come to him with clean hands. All these prophecies to the people stirred them up and got them back to work rebuilding the temple. We don’t know what else, if anything, Haggai heard from God. Maybe he spoke a lot, and this was the only thing recorded, or maybe this was it. This was the parts that we need to know about. This last prophecy though is a little different.